Acupuncture & Body Work
Acupuncture is a deeply relaxing and restorative treatment. Simply put, it works with your nervous system to take you out of sympathetic "fight or flight” response and into parasympathetic “rest and digest”
Acupuncture is commonly used to treat many conditions including pain, migraines, TMJ, gynecological disorders, digestive disorders and more. As it alters our response to stress, it benefits many different ailments and works well as a proactive, preventive medicine too.
Acupuncture has been an effective modality of medicine for over three thousand years and is highly integrated in mainstream medicine in the East. In Chinese medicine, we look at Qi as our vital metabolic force that runs through meridians or channels of energy in our body. When Qi is stagnant, it can cause pain or disease. Releasing areas of stagnant Qi through acupuncture restores organ function and promotes health.
Studies show that acupuncture improves circulation, reduces pain as it interrupts pain signaling and relaxes muscles, influences the body’s biochemical responses, and reduces systemic pro inflammatory markers.